Feb 1 , 2021

Living in Alignment 22

How to catch and stop self sabotage?

Living+in+Alignment+20 The power of self inquiry with Ghada Khalifeh
“The most effective strategy for weakening your Saboteurs is to simply observe and label your Saboteur thoughts or feelings every time you notice them.”
— Shirzad Charmine

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This episode is inspired and based on the work of positive intelligence by shirzad Charmine. Shirzad is the author of the New York Times bestselling Positive Intelligence. He has been the CEO of the largest coach training organization in the world, having trained faculty at Stanford and Yale business schools. He supports his lasting positive change with a solid research-based analytical foundation, to both ignite the mind and inspire the heart.

We all have something we know we should do, but that doesn’t mean we actually do it. In this episode on Living in Alignment Podcast, we  tap into the self sabotage theme, explore the self sabotage roots, my top saboteurs, and how to break the sabotage cycle and grow into our own rhythm and potential.

The Judge’s most damaging lie is that we are not worthy of love or respect by just being who we are. Instead, it forces us to constantly perform for them; this forms the construct of “conditional love.
— Shirzad Charmine
The Survivor Brain is wired to say no and preserve the status quo. For a human being, the status quo means continuing to be alive; saying yes to something new and unknown could literally lead to death.
— Shirzad Charmine