August 2, 2021

Living in Alignment 39

Crystal Healing with Sara Jackson

What makes the crystal a crystal is that molecules are arranged in a fixed,regular repeating geometric patterns; the crystals maintain their frequency unlike us as human beings, we are influenced by every single little thing that comes to contact us.
— Sara Jackson

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Crystals have thousands — sometimes millions — of years of the Earth’s history stored within them that you can harness to tap into your best self. And I’ll tell you what. The more I learn about them, the more the concept makes sense. Crystals are a part of the Earth. They not only have a unique beauty, but also amazing healing power.

I just started to tune in to the power of crystals but I still have so much to learn, so today’s episode will help us to be more intentional with crystals, and our guest today Sara Jackson has made it super simple. Sara is a Certified Crystal Practitioner located in Florida. She owns Golden Light, a healing practice offering Crystal Healing Sessions and other treatments to help women heal and discover their inner light. Sara is very passionate about what she does and loves to use crystals to help transform her clients from the inside out, and dissolve physical and emotional blockages and live a life they love!

Manifesting abundance, I would definitely grid the 3 lower chakras.
— Sara Jackson
  • What is the power of Crystals ? and what is the difference between a gemstone, a crystal and a plain old rock?

  • Some examples of essential crystals, their properties and healing power

  • Sara’s process of using crystals for healing and wellbeing

  • What are the indicators that crystal power is helpful?

  • Does size affect the crystal healing ability?

  • Do crystals lose their power ?how do we recharge them and take care of them?

  • Is working with crystals helpful for everyone?

  • A good start of crystal combination for intentions such as alignment, love, wealth

There are couple of different ways that practitioners test energy: you use your hand, clear quartz pointing towards your hand or a pendulum.
— Sara Jackson