September 14, 2020

Living in Alignment 02

The secret to manifesting with Human Design with Irina Prokofieva

Human Design is a map to Human Consciousness and Development
— Irina Prokofieva

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Imagine a system that explains how you were built, and how to best respond to the world—imagine a system that offers a map that indicates how you are unique as a person, and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who you are. 

Irina Prokofieva is a Certified Transformational Coach and Human Design Expert. In today’s episode guest Irina introduces and discusses everything Human Design and dives deep into the secret to manifesting with human design


In this episode we discuss:

  • Irina’s experience with Human Design

  • Quick overview of the five types and Strategies of Human Design

  • The key of “waiting” for most human design types to manifest with the least resistance

  • Embodiment vs Intellectual Understanding

  • The impact of embodying Human Design on our life

  • Our only contribution is leading by our own unique design

  • Tools and guidelines to incorporate human design as a daily practice

1. What does living in alignment mean for my type? For G/MG - satisfaction, P - success, M - peace, R - surprise

2. What does living out of alignment mean for my type? For G/MG - frustration, P - bitterness and depletion, M - anger, R - disappointment

3. Experiment with your Strategy and AuthorityStart with small decisions - e.g.instead of waiting

  • (G/MGs) I will respond (look for the signs)

  • Ps - I'd wait for an invitation and to feel that I'm recognized.

  • Ms - instead of waiting for permission from someone, I will just start when it feels like and I will make sure to tell others what I'm planning to do

  • Rs - instead of rushing to make a decision (because I'm being pushed to decide now), I'll wait

Being successful doesn’t mean sacrificing your happiness
— Irina Prokofieva